
Friday, 13 May 2016

How To Write A good and effective Paragraph

                     How To Write A Paragraph

Today's topic is about paragraph. Can anyone gas what is paragraph? If you know already then well and good but if you don’t know then no problem I will tell you a complete definition of paragraph. So let’s start with the proper definition of paragraph. Paragraph is “a part of a piece of writing that usually deals with one subject, that begins on a new line, and that is made up of one or more sentences”. How to write a paragraph? Paragraph is not simply simple sentences followed by other sentences. There some of major rule defines for a how to write a paragraph. Paragraphs help to break a large amount are large chunks of text and make the content easier for reader to digest. Paragraph is written for reader that reader have clearly idea what is the topic about? Paragraph guided to focus on one main idea and goal. However knowing how to write a good paragraph can be little tricky. Read the guideline below carefully for how to write a paragraph.
Goals for writing paragraph:
The writer must have list of goals for what about he is going to write a paragraph. The main goal of writer is to convey simple and organized information about your whole content.
Planning a paragraph:
This is very important phase of writing a paragraph. Writer must have knowledge about whole content. Then he is able to write a good and accomplished paragraph. Writer must have to decide the main topic of paragraph what the paragraph is going to be. Writer must have a clear idea of what about he is going to write. If you are planning to write a paragraph then you must have to ask yourself some questions. What I am going to write ? Why I need to write? Is I have complete knowledge about full content? Where I have to mainly focus? What is the main idea that i need to address?
Write down information and ideas about your topic:
Write down the important information and necessary ideas on the paper. When you completely wrote down important information and ideas on any paper. Then the important phase is to come of selecting the information and ideas from the paper. Ideas that you are already coded on the paper. Select that information which are more attractive and placed that on the top of your paragraph. This phase gives you slightly better idea that which of your ideas are best for your paragraph. And which of them are May not necessary for your paragraph. Put the right words on right places.
Prof Reading: Final step of writing paragraph is to proof reading. If you done all of your writing process then make sure your all contents which you are right in paragraph is make some sense and make sure right words or on right places.
Tips for wring good paragraph:
1st of all you have to clear your ideas in your mind what I am going to write about. Use the simple and easy sentence that also makes some sense. Do not repeat one sentence again and again. Do not include irrelevant details in your topic .make sure main point of your topic are placed in the top of the paragraph. thank you for reading my post.

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