Best method to earn money online
Some people ask to me that please tell us the true
method which we use for earn money online. There are some people especially for
women or girls who are educated but not able to work in some big companies and
organizations due to some family restrictions especially Islamic centuries
like Pakistan, Arab and Afghanistan are not allows to woman and girls to work
freely with mans. So in this situation I
suggest to those women don’t stuck their life. There are many ways to earn
money even if you are at home. And you can earn large amount of money. The simple
formula is that more the work you have been done the batter amount of money you
will get. Let’s start with some easy method of money earning.
Earn Money From Blogger:
Blogger is type of platform which we can use for
earn money online. I think it is a best platform to earn online. Simply you
just need to do is to design a simple and attractive blog. After designing a
blog make sure add the blog post on daily bases. I think you need 30 to 40
unique posts of at least 600 words in you blog. After you fill all of these
requirements then apply for Google ad sense. Google Ad sense is very big
advertisement network. If Google Ad sense approved you application then it will
makes you life. After getting approval place the ads code in you blog. People
visit your blog and if they click on some of your ads then Google will pay you healthy
amount of share. Don’t try to be smart by clicking on your ads by yourself or by clicking
with the different IPs. If you do this activity your ad sense will be disabled.
Try to work very honestly. In case Google Ad Sense not approves your
application then work more on your blog and try to resubmit your application
hopefully your ad sense will approved that time. If ad sense will not
approved that time too so don’t worry there are many more other advertising network
that you can attach with your blog or site. I recommended the Google Ad sense because
its CPC is high then other advertising network. So try again and again for
approval of Google Ad sense. You can also read my other post for more clarification
about Blogger. What
is blogger? how to use blog for money?
Affiliated Marketing:
is another source of making money from internet is affiliated marketing. You
just need to do is to sing up affiliated
marketing sites like Amazon, eBay, Click Bank, Flex Offers, Share Sale and Rakuten Link Share and many
others site like these. Join one site from mentioned above and work on any of their
product. Get the link of the product and share that link with on your social
media accounts, on your blog or on your site. If some people buy the products
through your referral link then you will paid by the owner or company whose
products are sell by your referral link. This is how you can earn money from affiliated
marketing. You can also learn about affiliated marketing by searching on
internet. That will provide batter idea how to start affiliated marketing.
Make Money From YouTube:
is also another big platform which we can use for making money. You need to
have a Google account I am sure you must have a Google account. If you don’t
have an Google account then you can easily create new Google account by signing
up on Google. Then create a YouTube channel. If you don’t know how to create
YouTube channel you can read my other post to find how create YouTube channel.
After YouTube channel is created successfully then make the videos for your
channel. After posting two o three
videos on your channel then attach your YouTube channel with Google Ad sense. If
you are not able to attach your YouTube
channel with Google Ad sense then you can also read my post How
To Make Money From YouTube Step By Step Guide
This will gives you the batter idea that how
to earn money from YouTube. Once you
attach your YouTube channel with Google Ad sense successfully. Then boom make
attractive videos and post them into your YouTube channel and turn monetization
option on. Don’t try to be smart by copy’s other videos and post them into your
YouTube channel. This activity will not profitable for you as well as your
channel life. YouTube give you strike and if you get three of them then your
channel will be banned permanently. So it’s my opinion to you work honestly and don’t
trap yourself in any kind of problem. That’s it if have any kind of question
you can ask me by posting comment in comment box below. Thanks you for reading
my post.