Speed Up Of Window 7 Using Easy Steps

                                    Speed Up Of Window 7 Using Easy Steps

Hello and well come again on my site today I will tell you simple tricks that how to speed up your computer using window 7. 1st of all you will need to do is to right click on your mouse this will bring little window. You will have to click on personalize. If you never change your window theme then your default will be the window7 theme. Although that is great theme and that is very pretty. So what you want to do is to change that theme by going to window basic. After you do this then go down to window color and then click on disable transparent and then come down and click on save. Now my recommendation is to use window basic theme. I think its makes window run very faster so you just need to click on window basic theme and use that theme. If you want to step further then you can use window classic theme that look like old black theme. But window basic is enough for that step. So just click on window basic select that one. After you done that all you just have need to do is to close down  the  window and go to start. Click on the start menu then you will able to see computer option. You will have to right click on computer option and go down to properties and select the properties. Then you can go up to advanced system and setting.

 Click on that option. OK right there you will able to see performance visual effect, processor scheduling, memory usage and virtual memory.

 You will have to click on setting that will bring a new window for you. Now there what will you need to do is to customize everything what you want or don’t want visually. And by unchecking some of those box you basically being freeing up lot more window resources. You can click on adjust performance radio button. Then this will uncheck all the other check boxes. Or you can chose custom one you can pick and chose what you want as some of the visual features. So after you decided and selected which one you want of-course the less check you have the faster window will run. 

After all of this you will click on apply and then OK and OK again for other window and then you just close the entire window down until you will be back on the desktop. Now you can able to see that visual affect have changed. Now the next step is to turn off your search feature if you not use your window search feature more often because it’s also running in the back end and use the resources. For this you will again go to start and right click on computer and go to manage. Then you will have to go down the services and application then you will able to see services click on that. This will bring up your window services. You are going down for window search option. Once you find that option double click on that. By default its set as startup type is automatic what you need to do is to disable that option if you not use that option often. Clicks on apply and then click on OK. I recommended you if you use search feature a lot then don’t disable this feature as I not do. After all of this close down that window is well. That’s it now restart your computer and after restart you will able to see the difference before doing this and after doing this. Hopefully this will helps you guys. If you have any question you can ask me in comment section blow I will try to sort out your problem.
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