Does use of mobile phones cause cancer

                         Does Use Of Mobile Phones Cause Cancer

does use of mobile phone cause cancer

One thing is sure that you had a question arise in your mind that does use of mobile phones cause cancer. I am going to tell you the answer of this question. As we know smart phone is a wireless technology. They worked through electromagnetic waves. We had done lot of research to know about this fact that censer is caused by smart phones or not. Here a term comes out for a normal user is radiation. A normal user scared about radiations. What are these radiations and where these are comes from? Are these radiations are harmful for users? Yes radiation is caused of cancer but censer is not caused by every type of radiations.  Smart phone’s radiations are not caused of cancer. Mobile phone’s used radio frequency waves. The energy of these radio frequency waves are not enough powerful to make any type of damage for human. As the frequency of the waves increases the energy level of these waves are also increases. Harmful waves start from near to ultra violet and so X-ray and Gamma ray waves are most harmful for us.  So there is no case that your mobile phone caused of censer or of any other disease. If you have any type of headache then there is no relationship between your headache and your smart phones. One more thing is you have seen that there are lots of anti radiations chips are available in the market for decrease the radiation. Those types of stuff are totally fake. Don’t waste your money and your time in buying those type of fake stuffs because 1st thing is that mobile phone’s radiations are not danger as we think.2nd thing is that  in case we assumes that those radiations are harmful for us then any type of chip is able to stop any kind of radiations. You can use your smart phones without getting any type thread. So keep using your smart phone and stay happy.
Hopefully you got your answer of does use of mobile phones cause cancer. Finally thanks for reading my post if you have any type of question about using smart phones then feel free to ask me. I’ll try to answer your each and every question.

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