Some Of The Important Tricks For Obtaining Password

                     Trick For Obtaining Password

Alright password is a secret word that is use to protect a computer system are program. It may consist of number alphabets or may the combination of both. The user must have to type the password for computer access. Many security problems are caused by poor use of passwords. A lot of password is easy to guess are stealing. If a password are guessed are stolen then system administrators cannot be certain whether the current user is authorized user or not.
Purpose of password:
The purpose of the password is to protect data stored on a computer. It protects data from being lost, misused or somehow deleted by any person. The system can be accessed by a person who knows the password. Password can be changed on by the authorized person. An unauthorized person cannot access a computer system or program that is protected by a password. So the computer and the data stored on it will be safe and protected.
Trick for obtaining password:
Many security problems are caused by unauthorized access to computer system. All computer system use some type of authentication techniques like password to protect the system from unauthorized access. Some techniques used to obtain the passwords are as follows.
Password guessing: Computer system does not understand the importance of choosing the secure and safe password. Some people often use a password that is guessed easily. Such as the person’s name, country name or God name some time city name is well. Some time use the cartoonist character such as Tom and Jerry.
Packet Sniffers: A packet sniffer is program that examines the traffic on a section of a network. The program examines the data stream and retries the passwords credit card number and the other valuable information.
Shoulder surfing: it is the method of obtaining the password by standing near the user and observing the keystrokes as his type the password.
Social engineering: it is the method of obtaining password by posing to be network administrator and asking user for their passwords. In this method a person falsely climes to a network administrator.  He he gets the password from user and misuses it for unauthorized access to the system.
Super user status: Multi user operating system such as UNIX and window NT provide system administrators with super user status. It enable them to access and modify virtual any file on the network. If an intruder obtains super users status he can obtain the passwords of every one using the system.

Suggestion for using Password:

Password can be used to protect any computer system. If user forget the password. Then the computer system cannot be used. They following points must keep in mind for using password effectively:
Password should not be very easy and common words.
Password should be combination of alphabets and numbers.
Password should be given to anybody live in anywhere in the word.
Backup of data:

Before doing any type of action backup of data is very important for you. Backup of data means keep a copy of data in another safe location. It can be stored in secondary storage media that is called backup of data. The common data are zip disk, magnetic tape, floppy disk, CD-ROM and hard disk etc.

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