Why Would I Want to Do Change My Android Version ?
Some people ask me why would we change our android version. So my answer to them is that there are a lot of major reasons to install or flash a new
custom ROM to your phone. You will get some new features. And you can get
stock Android ROM instead of your manufacturer does provide to you. But most
important thing is that you can upgrade to the most current version of
Android. Even if your phone has embedded
with manufacturer ROM. The reality is that most telephones company forgets
their old mobile versions. And don not provide much opportunity to
upgrade those phones versions.
. Now while we can really understand the economic situation–it
is not profitable to pay directly to manufacturers to
create new updates and to support old models of phones–we still think it’s a
shame that perfectly good phones are so quickly relegated to the support junk
Let’s Take a simple example a famous brand
Samsung launch Galaxy s3 When it was released in round about 2012, it was
very popular phone among all phone. But Android 4.3 Jelly Bean
was the last update in that particular time. and it got it only 6
months after Jelly Bean was released. Sure, technology is change time by
time and things are going batter and batter but it’s still a capable device.
Phone customizes have made it simple and possible for this
five year old device to get the latest version of Android like now (lollipop
5.1) some custom ROM's like CyanogenMod. And, performance
increases in later versions of Android, all over the world reports says its
running batter than ever.
It is my personal experience that few days ago my
Friends come to me and ask me that install the latest version of android
in his old Motorola Droid Razr. My first expiration is that it
may not work for older devices. But main while I start my works
by collecting the latest flashing files of Motorola droid Razr.
I have hardly spent my 2 hours in flashing that mobile but after two hours
you may or may not admit it but that old Motorola droid Razr in which ice cream
version of android install previously . Now that device has awesome
inner look. Not only he’s got good display main while Motorola
Droid Razr currently running on Android 5.1 LOLLIPOP version. His performance
is going much batter then he runs on old Android version. This is what I
got experience in just 2 hours. Now currently that device opens with CyanogenMod. And give his
100%. Due to that I was really happy with myself that I did that. I did that without costing anything instead of
only two hours.
If you have any question about this topic you can ask me by
posting comments in the comment section below. Your feedback is very important
for in order to maintain our quality. That’s why you must give us feedback either
positive or negative. Thank you reading this post.